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2024年12月 アーカイブ


2024年12月7日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

Merry Christmas to everyone !
I have an announcement about the practice on December 7th.
The details are as follows.

First, I’m going to divide you into 3 or 4 groups.

1. Please tell me your Christmas memories and plans. For example, I have fried chicken and sushi on Christmas at home.

2. Let’s play board games!

I’m looking forward to seeing you!

Thank you
Takae Ishii


2024年12月14日 プラクティス

Hello, my friends,

Here is a proposed practice for December 14 Online Meeting.

Title: Let's check our level of knowledge and information about Japan.

You may have opportunities to introduce unique Japanese culture, historically famous buildings and places, wonderfully delicious Japanese cuisines, and many other things to visitors from overseas. So, I’d like you to check your level of knowledge and information about Japan by challenging yourself with quiz.

For your information, I’ll provide you the latest information about the situation of visitors from overseas in FY2023 as follows.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan had reached a new record high until 2019 due to such measures as the strategic relaxation of visa requirements, the expansion of the consumption tax exemption system for foreign visitors to Japan, and the enhancement of the CIQ3 (Customs, Immigration, Quarantine) system, as well as the enhancement of transportation networks such as airlines, railways, and ports, the improvement of the reception environment such as multilingual labeling, the creation of attractive content, and the promotion of visits to Japan by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) and other organizations.

In October of the same year, the number of foreign visitors to Japan exceeded the same month in 2019, and the annual number of foreign visitors to Japan was 25.07 million (down 21.4% from 2019).

Looking at the number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2023 by country and region, the number of foreign visitors to Japan from the major Asian markets was 19.495 million, accounting for 77.8% of the total. In East Asia, South Korea was the largest of the major markets at 6.958 million, followed by Taiwan (4.202 million) and China (2.425 million), accounting for 62.6% of the total. In Southeast Asia, the number of foreign visitors to Japan from the six major markets of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was 3.628 million, and the number of visitors from Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam reached a record high.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan from the major North American markets was 2.472 million, and the number of visitors from the United States and Canada reached a record high. The number of foreign visitors to Japan from the six major European markets was 1.213 million, and the number of foreign visitors to Japan from Australia was 613,000. In other regions, South America was 99000 and Africa was 38000.

I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming second-half practice on December 14.



2024年12月21日 プラクティス

Hello our ESS members

This is Kazu Yasuda, and I would like to inform you of my practice of the ESS meeting on Saturday, December 21st which will be our last time
English meeting in this year.

We have a lot of news again in this year. I hope all of you may talk about several news in this year group by group.
I may provide around 20 news items on that day and hope you may have discussion based on those items.

1 Make groups with three or four members.
2 Enjoy your discussion about those 20 written items and others not written there.
3 Hope reporter of your group will explain three top items based on your discussion.

I hope you will enjoy the last practice of this year on 21st Dec.

Regards: Kazumasa Yasuda

About 2024年12月

2024年12月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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