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2025年02月 アーカイブ


2025年2月15日 プラクティス

Hi all !

The latter practice on 15th Feb is "Challenging Medical terms"!

Please bring Note taking Equipment.筆記用具as the test style is paper test.

Time table
Test answer 30 minutes
Answer session 20minutes
Announcement of grade 10minutes

If you master it you’ll be fine even if you suddenly get sick overseas!

The question range from gentle to very difficult.

I am looking forward to meeting you all.



2025年2月22日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I'm in charge of the latter practice on February 22nd.
I'd like to send you the agenda of the day.

Genre: word game
Title: two Truths and a Lie
Procedure: Everyone writes 3 sentences about yourselves.

Two sentences are Truth and one sentence is Lie.
The first person in a group read the 3 sentences to other members.
Then, discuss together and tell the reader which sentence is a Lie.

e.g. ・My daughter is a teacher.
・I have been to Vietnam before.
・"Bonsai" is one of my hobbies.

Qs, ・What subject does your daughter teach?
・What did you go to Vietnam for?
・Why do you think "Bonsai" is so popular among young people overseas?

I hope that you will get to know about ESS members through this practice.
Let's enjoy it!




2025年3月1日 プラクティス

Hi ESS members,

This is the announcement of the practice on March 1.

Title: What are your motivations and refresh
Genre: Talk

You need motivation when you make efforts or work. On the other hand you need some rests for refresh. I would like you to share your motivation and refresh.

The procedures are below.
1) Make several groups(3-4 members in each group)
2) Talk and share the fallowing topics.
- Work or hobby
- The motivation for the work or hobby
- How to refresh when you’re tired

The practice is held on Zoom. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Yuji Tsukuda


2025年3月8日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

This is Takeshi Hayashi. Hello,it is being warm gradually isn't it?
It has been one month and one year since I started coming to ESS class.I feel that I need more English writing. And I'm in charge of the latter half practice on Mar. 8.
I'd like to send you the introduction of my practice.
I have lived in Nagaokakyo city for twelve years. I enjoy the view of the nishiyama mountains.I also like Buratamori that is TV program about landscape.
One day, I have two questions ,what stones are filled the mountains and how to be created.
I am going to try to write these things with my small English and insufficient geologic knowledge.And I will show you some sample stones.So this is also one of Oshi Activities.
Group mission,“Please check my grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes of my letter“.

Takeshi Hayashi

About 2025年02月

2025年02月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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