PRACTICE (September 27, 2003)

[Discussion] "Nandedaro`?" (Mr.YAMAMOTO)


In our daily lives, we are sometimes puzzled by some questions and say "Nandedaro?"
It's up to you whether you try to solve the questions or leave them unsolved.

Today, however, let us try together to answer these questions as a part of our regular practice.

I have prepared tens of questions.
You are going to choose one out of the few you've picked up.
Not all the questions are serious ones that require logical thinking, many of them may be funny and a little ridiculous ones.

The following are some of the examles.

EWhy is it that many of the Major Leagers and Nobel prize winners are from Kansai and its neighboring areas?
EWhy has Kyoto ESS survived for as many as 40 years?
EWhy are Japanese people in general not good at English?
EWhy is it that Osaka-Jin never fail to tell a joke in their conversation and speak Osaka-ben wherever they are (even abroad)?

Taking advantage of being a Kansai Jin (permanent or temporary), you are sure to make the most of your sense of humor and wits, and will find excellent solution to these questions, I believe.
